The Foundation's Library was established in January 2011 with the purpose of preserving, increasing, and enhancing the book and documentary heritage of the Foundation as well as to make it available to its staff and to external users, in order to spread knowledge around the FONDACA relevant thematic areas (civic activism, governance, corporate citizenship).
Since June 2012, the library is part of the National Library System, by joining the SBN Pole of Roma Capitale.
The Foundation's library heritage consists today of nearly 2000 volumes of Italian and international publications, scientific journals, research reports and papers, university thesis and other texts to be considered as "grey literature". Sources of acquisition of new volumes are through purchases, exchanges, and donations.
The thematic areas in which the library’s collection has been organized are the characterizing elements of the library itself, since such topics can be considered as a niche field in the Lazio Region where there are no similar centers dedicated to the collection and preservation of informative and in-depth material, at moment
Library thematic areas
- Active citizenship
- Corporate responsibility
- New forms of governance
- Europe
In addition, the collection consists of volumes focusing on subjects related to the Foundation's main fields of interest and activity.
FONDACA participation in the Roma Capitale Libraries Pole allows the use of the OPAC research tool.