Via Varese 46, 00185 Roma

Formazione Manageriale e CSR: Indagine sulle recenti tendenze nell’insegnamento della CSR Nord America, Europa, Italia a confronto

( ICSR – Italian Centre for Social Responsibility) Premessa Le molte iniziative in tema di CSR Negli ultimi anni si sente sempre più spesso usare del termine di Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa: sono nate, infatti, una miriade di iniziative che più o meno concretamente si impegnano ad interpretarne…

The single currency and european citizenship: an assessment

(The Euro American Colloquia on Citizenship 6 th edition - June, 2009 ) Summary On the occasion of the sixth edition of the Euro-American Colloquia on Citizenship, FONDACA promoted, in partnership with the Pisa Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and in cooperation with the Representation in Italy…

Civic Resources for Urban Safety: a survey on the role of active citizenship organizations

(Summary Report - March 2009) Presentation This document contains a summary of the main findings of a survey conducted by FONDACA on the role of active citizenship organisations in urban safety policies. The analysis was commissioned by the Municipality of Genoa (Safe City Department) in preparation for…

Not Alone. A research on successful partnerships between private companies and citizens’ organizations in Europe

(Final report - 2006) Foreword As part of their activities on the “citizens’ side” of corporate social responsibility and on the participation of citizens’ organizations in policy making, Active Citizenship Foundation (FONDACA) and Active Citizenship Network (ACN) carried out a research project on partnerships between private companies…

Public Institutions Interacting with Citizens’ Organizations: A survey on public policies regarding civic activism in Europe

(di Giovanni Moro) FOREWORD This document contains information on the main results and findings of the Survey on public policies regarding civic activism in the 28 “New Europe” countries (25 old and new European Union member states and 3 candidate countries) and at the European Union (EU)…

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